Friday 22 March 2013

Man realises he has 7.5cm knife lodged in his back three years after he is stabbed

Next time you have an unexplained itch on your back check to see if there’s a knife embedded there… One Canadian man didn’t notice he had the sharp instrument lodged in him for more than three years.
Billy McNeely reportedly suffered the injury following a fight at an arm wrestling match in April 2010 where he was stabbed five times with a 7.5cm knife.
He has subsequently had the instrument removed but when he initially went to the hospital three years ago he was not given an x-ray.
He returned with constant discomfort but was merely told he had nerve damage.
It wasn’t until recently when he got his nail caught on the top of the blade did his girlfriend notice it.
‘I told Billy: “There’s a knife sticking out of your back”,’ his other half Stephanie Sayine said.
‘I was scared. I was ready to pull it out with tweezers.’
Mr McNeely, from the Northwest Territories, added he used to set off metal detectors when in prison.
‘I’ve done some jail time in the past,’ he said.
‘The guards rub over you with a metal wand detector, and every time it hit my back… it went off.’
Mr McNeely is weighing up whether to sue his local health division.

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